Thursday, January 14

" S a i g o n . . . "

 " C H A R L I E  D O N ' T  S U R F !

best soundtrack ever . . .

the number one candidate for me right now { beside fiddler on the roof }
is the musical repertoire from Apocalypse Now :

 and thats just the FEATURED artists, the score the accompanies a prophetic Marlon Brando & the napalm mess in camboadia is equally as epic.


please note that ROBERT DUVALL { aka 'Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore ' } is the artist to whom "Love Me, And Let Me Love You " is acredited-- & he had some of the best lines in the movie.
not to mention he's Tom Hagen yet another Coppola//Brando gem,  in The Godfather

here's a brief testament of his accomplishments :

" W E L C O M E  T O  T H E  S T O N E  A G E ,   S O N !